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Yellow 3M Ear defender on helmet with woman blurred in background

Yellow 3M Ear defender on helmet with woman blurred in background – Arborist Stock Photo-001-21-6274

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Female arborist wearing PPE with blurred tree foliage in foreground

Female arborist wearing PPE with blurred tree foliage in foreground – Arborist Stock Photo -21-001-5796

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Climbing arborist suspended on rope in mid air with net carrying out canopy research - Arborist Stock Photo 001-21-6877

Climbing arborist suspended on rope in mid air with net carrying out canopy research – Arborist Stock Photo 001-21-6877

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Looking down rope to a climbing arborist desceding from big tree - Arborist Stock Photo 001-21-6865

Looking down rope to a climbing arborist desceding from big tree – Arborist Stock Photo 001-21-6865

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First aid blood stopper on harness laying on ground InTree arborist image 001-21-6049

First aid blood stopper on harness laying on ground InTree arborist image 001-21-6049

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Three arborists climbing in a Garry Oak Tree InTree arborist image 001-21-5958

Three arborists climbing in a Garry Oak Tree InTree arborist image 001-21-5958

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